Monday 1 October 2007


In late August/early September I put my first raised bed with copper tape in. I have planted this with little gem lettuces on one side, girly1's Wall flowers in the middle, and some mixed seed lettuces on the other side. The mixed seed lettuces are supposed to be cut, and then they grow back again.

The lettuces are my first venture into my copper tape trial, so I'm hoping the lettuces don't get munched! So far so good, as I now have a lovely crop of lettuces! My second success of the year!

The mixed lettuces said that they could be cut at 2-3 weeks, and then every 2 weeks after that. I think that's a little ambitious, as they were still tiny at 3 weeks. At 4 weeks I thinned the little gems, but the seedlings were too small for munching really. Last week I thinned again, and had a lovely lot of leaves to munch on!

Note for next year - the seeds go in very thinly to save on thinning later on..... Still on that learning curve!

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