Monday 26 January 2009

Yep, It's been that long.....

Been so hectic in the run up to Christmas, with illnesses and marking, that I haven't made it up to the allotment till now. It has definately been negleted!

The renewal for the plot came through, so I asked if I could share or split the plot. They've split the plot, and reduced the rent, so I'm quite pleased. It is now not very big, but still big enough for me.

Most of what I did on Sunday was just tidying up. I think the rhubarb is coming up - yay! I put my daffodil bulbs in (bit late, but here's to hoping.....).

My siting of the grape vine proved to be an error. I set it against the fence, but then they sprayed weed killer all round the fences! It survived, but I wouldn't say it flourished this year.... I have now moved it to the middle of the plot, where I am going to put up a wire to attach things to (raspberries etc).

Here's one of my blackcurrent bushes. I'm hoping they will provide a reasonable crop this year.