Sunday 19 October 2008

Strawberry Sort out

I've been up to the allotment today - woo hoo! A Sunday without kids and it isn't raining!

I've dug over a little patch, and I've planted some (but not many) broad beans. I'm not a bean of any form fan, but from what I understand they are good for the soil, and I've got to get this crop rotation malarkey sorted out!

I also gave the strawberries a good looking at. Weeded out the bed and played a huge game of 'Whose Runner Is It Anyway?'! Blimming heck they've set out a good few runners! I've taken some and planted them so that I have a new set of plants next year. I'm going to pass the others on to people, but don't know who yet!

I have 3 different varieties of strawberries 'to provide a long and bountiful supply of strawberries' supposedly. I think next year there may well be lots of strawberries! Hmmm.... The 3 types are (from top to bottom in this picture): Christine, Alice & Flamenco. Christine & Alice were totally runner mad. Flamenco didn't have any runners I don't think. The Flamenco plants are smaller than the other 2, but it still had strawberries growing! The Flamenco is supposed to be the all season producer, and Christine is the early season producer. I think next year will be when I see what they are really like for produce etc

1 comment:

Mam said...

Tagged you with a meme, Suze, go check out my blog. Hazel xx