Sunday 24 February 2008

You've guessed it - More Digging!

What more can I say. Lot's of couch grass in this bit - I'm sure I haven't got it all out. It took me ages to dig through that little bit in the photo. I've nearly joined it up to the ex-tomato patch bit though!

It's starting to get demoralising doing no end of digging. I know it's got to be done, and I know that time is running out to get it done (especially as I am going to be really busy over the next few every other weekends), but the enthusiasm for it is running low. Gotta keep going though - got things to plant soon.....

Here's my latest patch of bare earth:

You can see the ex-tomato bare earth behind it. Gotta keep digging....


Mam said...

Wow! just read your post on my blog, you work two days, have three kids who you're bringing up on your own, and you have time to dig out grass? Respect!!

Suze said...

Trust me - the housework suffers!

I do also have a lot of support, including from the ex and his Mum.

But thanks for the Respect!
