Wednesday 30 January 2008

Spike Me No More......

.....or at least not until it's time to pick the gooseberries!

Yep, I've pruned them. That's another job off the list. It was a glorious day on Wednesday morning - really sunny. So I thought to myself that I would enjoy the sun and get the job done. I drop the lil'gal off at playgroup, trot down to the allotment, get out the car, and the sun goes away. Predictable really, but never mind.

Here's a pic of my pruned bush (oh er missus!):


Mam said...

Hello! I followed you from bean-sprouts and I'm sure I've read your blog before.... anyhoo I can identify with your pain, I have blackberries that frequently threaten to take over the garden but provide delicious fruit. No pain no gain as they say! I'm hoping to start spinach and radishes this year I'm about to read some of your earlier posts about getting your allotment up and running, quite inspirational :-)

Suze said...

Wow! My first comment - thankyou!

The allotment is hardly up and running! It is still full of un-dug over weeds, but hopefully this year I will make a dent in it.

I read your blog and commented on nappies recently, so that's perhaps how you came to see my blog? This blog thing goes round in circles. Becomming a BF consellor is definately on my 'to do' list. Well done you for doing it.


Mam said...

Oh thats when I read your blog I remember now! I may be a breastfeeding counsellor but I still haven't been out of my own back door to see what type of soil I have despite meaning to for over a week, so much to do, so little time.